Thursday, September 3, 2020
Parable of the Sadhu
Moral Decisions Tough choices are frightening to the vast majority. In this way, we have rules or speculations to assist us with settling on these choices. The best directors are in a perfect world those that basically don’t break under tension and are â€Å"action-arranged individuals. †Sometimes, individuals don't devote any of their opportunity to the choice before them, and settle on choices dependent on their circumstance. This is one of the numerous issues that emerge in The Parable of the Sadhu. Buzz McCoy went on a bold half year holiday program with his companion, Stephen, and when they were climbing in Nepal, they ran over a genuine moral dilemma.As him, Stephen, and a couple of different explorers were climbing up the tricky Himalayan mountains, they ran over a sadhu. Stephen had been demonstrating manifestations of height disorder and they had chosen to rest for a piece, when one of their kindred climbers discovered this man. The sadhu was scarcely dressed, and was therefore experiencing hypothermia. The man who found the wiped out sadhu became disturbed, as he needed to proceed on the grounds that he â€Å"[did] what he [could do]. †He left soon a short time later, leaving the sadhu in the possession of Buzz, Stephen and a couple of other hikers.We are on the whole less inclined to assume responsibility for a circumstance if there are individuals around us. We basically expect that another person will assume full liability and get our wheels turning. They had all given him dress and attempted to warm him up a piece, yet none had ventured up and assumed full liability. Buzz at that point likewise yielded, as he became terrified of the â€Å"heights to come,†and â€Å"without a lot of thought,†progressed forward. Thinking back on this second, Buzz laments how he took care of the circumstance. Truth be told, he never took care of it; he never at any point gave it a thought.With all the adrenaline and the conceiva ble rapture that anticipated his landing in the pinnacle, he never thought of the results of this choice. Buzz states, â€Å"I felt and keep on feeling blame about the sadhu. †If he had thoroughly considered it, he most likely wouldn’t be conveying this burdenous lament. He later proceeds to make reference to, in any case, that the circumstance he was in is corresponding to a corporate circumstance, wherein individuals need to settle on split-second choices (regardless of the result). This isn't a moral strategy in any ay, shape or structure. Buzz was not pondering the â€Å"best option†or the â€Å"decision that would make for everyone's benefit. †He was centered around himself, and arriving at the pinnacle of that mountain. Buzz never imagined that this choice would frequent him for a mind-blowing remainder. In applying the universalization test to McCoy’s choice, I am left with a genuine inquiry: consider the possibility that everybody were t o go about as McCoy did. Consider the possibility that, when confronted with a test, or an irritation, or essentially something unforeseen, everybody were to just give up?What if everybody on the planet were to leave saying, â€Å" gracious, I gave him some clothes†¦ in this manner I did everything I could do. †Just on the grounds that they aren’t by and by answerable for the sadhu, doesn’t imply that they shouldn’t care. They should have been mindful individuals, similar to Stephen. Imagine a scenario where we faced a daily reality such that everybody was out for his/her own benefit. In spite of the fact that it might appear it, there are still hints of something to look forward to sometimes, and we, as inhibitors, must battle for them. On the off chance that everybody was out for their very own benefit, nothing would be accomplished.Ethical rules, for example, the widespread test, are certainly progressively relatable and simpler to apply. The spe culations, then again, are considerably more pliable and emotional. There was extremely just one answer when I asked myself, â€Å"what if this were the conduct of everybody on this planet? †Though, when I asked myself, â€Å"what would have been the best result for everybody? †the lines got somewhat hazy. One last idea: a significant snippet of data is the sadhu’s intentions.If he had gone to the mountain to bite the dust in any case, at that point bringing him down and sparing him would be totally against his own aims. The story expresses that he was an older man with barely any garments and no food; in this way, he could have needed to go in harmony, on his own terms. Here in lies the issue: we never are given the entirety of the data important to settle on an informed educated choice. This is the reason we have morals, or aides for us to follow in circumstances that we appear to be aimlessly coming to choices. They can assist us with coming to moral choice s for the circumstances before us.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Cultural Text Analysis Essay
Social writings can be depicted by Vanhoozer et al, as any work that is finished by individuals that has a significance since it is done purposefully and not as an accident or by reflex. They incorporate paper articles, books and other written word, objects, pictures, spaces, movies and music (Vanhoozer et al. , 2007, p. 248). There are various parts of the English language (metaphors) that are utilized in the composition of social writings to make the language use in the writings colorful, or even to clarify a few things in a more profound way. They are additionally used to show the passionate force or to unequivocally show the essayists sense impressions by contrasting a certain something and another that is normal or notable to the peruser. A few instances of these are the utilization of metonyms, representations and implications. A metonym can be characterized as the utilization of a word in a book to mean a certain something while in established truth; the word alludes to a related thing. It can likewise be depicted as a circumstance where a word is supplanted with another that is firmly connected with it (Casnig, 2009). A case of a metonym is the manner in which individuals express plastic to mean Mastercards or the manner in which they state Washington, while what they really mean to allude to is the United States Government. An illustration then again is characterized as the looking at of two things without utilizing words Ëœlike or Ëœas. They are a decent method to place a picture into the psyche of the peruser with respect to the message that they are attempting to pass on. Ill-advised use anyway could imply that the message that the author is attempting to pass on won't be seen appropriately (Wheeler English, 2010). A model with regards to its utilization is when utilized in a sentence, when someone says, Å" ¦her hair is snow white. Here, the shade of hair is being contrasted with the shade of the day off, there is no utilization of the words Ëœlike or Ëœas, and therefore this makes the articulation a representation. With regards to meanings, these are thoughts that are inferred or recommended. They allude to the associations or affiliations that are associated with specific words or even the passionate proposals that are identified with the word being referred to (Word Reference. com, 2010). A case of this could be the manner in which the word snake whenever utilized concerning an individual could be utilized to imply that the individual is insidious or hazardous. It could likewise imply that the individual is tricky and not transparent in their dealings with individuals. The social messages that I am going to use to show how metonyms, illustrations and implications have been utilized are: a film on Eyes on the Prize Interviews. The particular meeting for this situation is the Rosa Parks meet that was done on November 14, 1985, and was created by Blackside Inc. The meeting was assembled as a major aspect of Eyes on the Prize: Americas Civil Rights Years (1954-1965). The second social content will be an article named Å"Walking while Muslim which is an article that was written in the year 2005 by Margaret Chon and Donna E. Arzt. At last, I am additionally going to take a gander at Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends which is a book composed by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Charles A. Anderson and Michael J. Sleasman. In the film on a meeting with Rosa Parks, instances of metonyms that have been utilized are: the point at which she is gotten some information about how isolated their region was, she says, Å"In 1954, after the Supreme Court choice had been passed on to get rid of uh, isolation in the open schools ¦ . Here, Supreme Court is a metonym for judges or juries, in light of the fact that in established truth, they are the ones that make decisions in court. Another model is when Rosa Parks alludes to the transport as being Ëœpacked, which is a metonym for full, or completely filled. With regards to undertones, a case of one is the point at which the questioner asks her, Å"How did you feel about starting the boycott ¦? The word sparkle here is utilized to imply that she was the person who fomented or blended the individuals vigorously. Another undertone is the point at which she alludes to individuals as blacks and whites in her meeting. This is an implication of the African Americans and the American individuals (Washington University Film and Media Archive, 1985). In the article, Å"Walking while Muslim , there are likewise a few metaphors that have been utilized in its substance. Models here are the utilization of undertones where it is said that the United Nations standing advisory group is toothless. This means they have no force regarding the capacities that they are permitted to do. It is additionally demonstrated when it is said that the worldwide human rights implementation frameworks are relied upon to have a superior reputation than the UN in the security of human rights. The expression reputation is utilized here to allude to the record of their real execution and achievements. This is on the grounds that in the exacting sense, track record implies a documentation of velocities that a competitor runs or has been running over some stretch of time. Allegories have additionally been utilized where the International Human Rights law is being compared to a gatekeeper of religion. Here, the law and gatekeeper have been looked at without the utilization of Ëœas or Ëœlike. There is likewise a case of a meaning where they state that Jihad is one of the Islamic convictions that are seen as strict extremism coordinated at non-Muslims. The word Jihad here is utilized as an implication of the rough animosity of Muslims towards non-Muslims or mainstream individuals (Chon, M. what's more, Arzt, D. , 2005). In the book, Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends, interesting expressions have likewise been utilized in this specific circumstance. Instances of a portion of these are: one of the characters in the book, Kevin Warwicka driving scientist and teacher of artificial intelligence at the University of Reading, says he is a cyborg. This is an illustration since he is contrasting himself with a being that is part human, part machine. In the book likewise, there is additionally a segment where biotechnology is compared to a friend in need, and furthermore where we are informed that we should offer ourselves as living penances. For this situation, we are as a rule straightforwardly contrasted with penances (creatures that are generally offered to God so as to assuage him or express gratitude toward him for something). There is additionally the utilization of metonyms where it says that Å"whatever name we decide to wear, alluding to the title that we decide to have in light of the fact that in established truth, we can't wear a mark. Another metonym that I have found is the point at which the creator says that as Christians, they may neglect to see the manner in which the world ganders at the individuals who accept that the present is all that there is. Here, the Ëœworld doesn't allude to the physical globe, however to the individuals who are non-devotees. It is a word that is usually fill in for the individuals who are not followers of Christianity (Vanhoozer, K. et al, 2007). References Casnig, J. (2009). Metonymy. [Online]. Accessible at: http://knowgramming. com/metonymy. htm Accessed on: May 28 2010 Chon, M. also, Arzt, D. (2005). Strolling while Muslim. [Online]. Accessible at: http://www. law. syr. edu/Pdfs/0WWM_ChonArzt. pdf Accessed on: May 28 2010. Meginsson, D. (2007). Implications and Denotations. [Online]. Accessible at: http://www. writingcentre. uottawa. ca/hypergrammar/conndeno. html Accessed on: May 28 2010 Vanhoozer, K. , Anderson, C. , and Sleasman, M. (2007). Ordinary Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends. Michigan: Baker Publishing Group. Washington University Film and Media Archive. (1985). Meeting with Rosa Parks. [Online]. Accessible at: http://advanced. wustl. edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx? c=eop;cc=eop;rgn=main;view=text;idno=par0015. 0895. 080 Accessed on: May 28 2010. Word Reference. Com. (2010). Implication. [Online]. Accessible at: http://www. wordreference. com/definition/implication Accessed on: May 28 2010.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Face Of Government - Discussion Unit 8 Example
The Face Of Government The Face Of Government The Face of Government At the focal point of social government assistance programs is a need to decrease neediness. Each key industrialized nation has set up certain projects intended to move some portion of the country’s GDP to the masses with an end goal to inspire the prosperity of people on the lower side of pay circulation. While these projects were intended to diminish the neediness levels, the opposite has really occurred. There are three reasons why this might be happening.To start with, while these social government assistance programs were intended for poor people, a large portion of it really winds up with the upper and working classes (Crook 46). For instance, the greater part of tax reductions and move installments administered in 1991 wound up with people procuring more than $30000. Also, social government assistance programs have been known to cultivate dependence on the advantages as opposed to urge the individuals to work out of destitution (Friedman 125). The government assistance programs pay adequate add up to keep these individuals alive yet not to get them out of their condition.Third, on the off chance that you take a gander at the projects on the more extensive monetary viewpoint, social government assistance programs are known to sabotage the country’s financial development. As per the hypothesis of correspondence value tradeoff, higher dynamic tax assessment rates and expanded government benefits bring down the motivation to work or contribute. This sabotages the explanation they came to be in any case. Late improvements in the government disability and Medicare raise questions about the chance of the projects being there in the following barely any years. As opposed to utilize government disability pay, Cost of living Adjustment dependent on Chained CPI implies dissolving the Social Security Income is purchasing power that would be impeding to low salary workers. What's more, the proposition to expand the age at which on e beginnings acquiring raises questions about the plausibility of the projects later on. What's more, the government’s capacity to transmit the Social Security and Medicare Benefits has been put to question by its powerlessness to raise obligation ceiling.ConclusionThe future appears to be somber for the standardized savings and Medicare programs. Passing by the present improvements in the administration circle most definitely, odds are they won't be there for long.Works citedFriedman, Milton. Allowed to Choose. New York, NY: Anchor, 1979. Print.Crook, Clive. The Future of the Medicare programs. New York: Penguin, 1997.Castles, Francis. Universes of Welfare and Families of Nations. Denver: MacMurray, 1993. Print.
Primary Source Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Essential Source Analysis - Research Paper Example He portrays the ascent of Christians against the Jews as a blunder in suspecting and ponders whether was truly propelled by God. Though of Aura needed to depict that the assaults on Christian were not propelled by their obligation to shield their religion, yet it was out of unadulterated avarice for riches. He guarantees that in all the fruitful undertakings the Christians took and shared the huge measure of Jews riches Ekkehard of Aura depicts Emico, a Christian officer as to be of sick ethics and analyzes him to the scriptural Saul whose principle point was to aggrieve the Christians. He depicts undertakings over Emico’s pioneers as impolite and heartless. Ekkehard states that the Christian’s were out to assault any Jew they joined no thought on their help of Christianity. He attempts to draw out a point that, Christian’s objective was to decimate the Jews and deny them of their assets. Ekkehard and Albert’s claims are some way or another unique in relat ion exactly of Aymeric to Louis II of France. Aymeric letter’s was intended to put over a message of enduring the Christian’s were looking in the hands of the many sorted out Jews. The letter was written in such a manner to persuade the King to offer the Christians support as a retaliate toward the numerous Jews. Aymeric depicts a powerless Christian culture against an enormous gathering of Jews. Albert and Ekkehard takes note of the Christian’s cold-bloodedness, absence of benevolence and abuse of the Jews on account of their own race. From their introduction of the message the two creators depicts Christian’s acts towards the Jews with a great deal of individual emotions joined. He depicts their help for the Jews particularly where they utilize solid oppressive words to portray the Christians as insatiable, barbarous, and brutal and mistake disapproved. Amyrec on the opposite side on his letter to the lord of France is seen mentioning on requirement aga inst the Jews. The assaults on the Jews that happened during the principal campaign were brutal and superfluous acts that have adhered to a meaningful boundary between the future Catholics and Jews. In any case, there is no unmistakable proof on whether the Catholics composed the campaigns explicitly focusing on theJews or it what roused by the need to burglarize them their riches. Amyrec letter shows the catholic Christian’s demand for help from the western world (France). In the event that the assaults on the Jews began from the western world, at that point this doesn’t show the alleged a solid convention of disdain to the Jews people group. On the off chance that what Ekkehardof Aura saw is anything to pass by, at that point, it wasn't right for a lot of guiltless Jews to be executed on the eyes of the concerned Catholics, with no demonstration to modify the circumstance, and that such huge numbers of individuals were misdirected into doing shameful acts and go into clashes with outsiders whom they don't had anything to hold against, whose assets made them a practical objective for voracious and barbaric warriors. The proof depicted by the accompanying creators could introduce dread, misconception and disdain among the Jews and the Catholics yet it’s not sufficiently able to guarantee that there is a convention for the Jews individuals. Such cases with respect to the Jews supporters will stimulate the negative notions toward the Christians as the Jews thought about them as worshipers of another god and hence they had no regard for the Christian’s images and religion on the loose. A huge gathering of officers comprising of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Critical Analysis Communication the Association for Information
Question: Examine about theCritical Analysisfor Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Answer: Presentation: Interchanges of the Association for Information Systems Topic and Purpose of the Article The topic of the paper establishes Literature research and examination on the data arrangement of the development model (Ashrafi 2003). The principle point of the paper is to inquire about the data arrangement of development model. It is recognized by earlier research that development can be considered as a measure that is guaranteed by association for demonstrating their capacities during any issue. Applied Basis of the Paper The applied premise of the paper incorporates examining and looking into the IS area dependent on three point of view. The points of view incorporates Research point of view helps in relating the speculations and techniques of development model. Distribution point of view portrays the interests of creators, distributers and commentators of the model (Crowston 2000). Experts point of view that helps in covering issues that is particularly applicable to the end clients of the model.Research Approach Undertaken In the examination approach, differentiation among theoretical and experimental research is made. Experimental research utilizes quantitative qualities where as observational research utilizes applied examinations that incorporates look into, works that are planned and so on. (Galliers et al. 1991) Both the experimental and applied research is distinguished. Out of these thirty-nine papers talks about exact strategies while just fifty-eight papers examines applied thoughts. Truly, the methodology is reasonable for satisfying the points of the exploration. The elective methodology that is attempted is a commonsense research (Huang and Hsu 2005). The theoretical research gives thoughts seeing the techniques where as down to earth strategy gives data about outcomes that are generally exact. Understanding of the Results The discoveries of the examination incorporate both applied and observational research. The writing investigation of the paper investigates that CMM and its replacements are the most predominant establishments of the exploration (Crowston 2000). The examination is on the development model. It is uncovered from the paper that the IT area commands over the past development model. The constraints of the examination incorporates database search with no limitation. It will uncover extra productions that are possibly especially pertinent. No, there is no intelligent progression of contentions. The end is sufficiently able to help the point of the exploration. No, the outcome doesn't repudiate one another. Significance of the Study The outcomes are significant on the grounds that these outcomes give direction to the future research in the concerned field. The outcome likewise clarifies the hypothetical development models. As per the examination point of view, the hypothetical and methodological perspectives identified with the development are educated to the planner and hierarchical scholar, which help the scholars to comprehend the best possible clarification behind these speculations (Creswell 2003). Not just the previously mentioned viewpoint are disclosed to the scholars yet additionally the regions and topics worried for the examination is explained to the scholars and specialist, as these zones and subjects some of the time control the requirements of the exploration points. The specialist presently can without much of a stretch plan any sort of development models with the assistance o these discoveries (Galliers et al. 1991). These are for the most part called grounded hypothesis to the scientists. The longitudinal procedures of investigation with respect to the hierarchical change methodology are for the most part required as these are the variable component of the exploration (Bandara et al. 2011). Thusly, the scholars and analysts should concentrate on these variable components. The mappings of the authoritative change to the development procedure are matter of worry to the scientists. These previously mentioned angles with respect to the aftereffects of the exploration impact the scientists and scholars to execute inventive belief systems in their examination approach (Ashrafi 2003). The elective methodology that is embraced is the down to earth approach, which is progressively valuable as it can give information to getting appropriate outcomes. Indeed, all the proof have been gathered and examined. Truly, the procedures are applied effectively in the investigation. Issues of dependability are considered in the paper. Hole in Theory The prime object of the exploration was to play out a writing examination on the development models in reference to the IS space. The examination was done from both the analyst and professional perspective (Galliers et al. 1991).The outcomes that were gotten from the exploration could invigorate and control the training for future research. Be that as it may, the examination came up short on the data about the turn of events and utilization of the development models. The writing exploration could be reached out by considering outlets other than IS diary. Hole in Practice The discoveries of the exploration have certain confinements. This is on the grounds that the specialists have focussed on the diaries and productions. Database search with no limitation will uncover a portion of the productions that are not important. It must be viewed as that the analyst have utilized hypothetical idea so as to finish up. The scientist doesn't concentrate on the commonsense research. References Ashrafi, N. 2003 The Impact of Software Process Improvement on Quality: In Theory and Practice, Information Management (40)7, pp. 677690. Bandara, W., S. Miskon, and E. Fielt 2011 A Systematic, Tool-Supported Method for Conducting Literature Reviews in Information Systems, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Helsinki, Finland. Creswell, J.W. 2003 Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, second version, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Crosby, P. (1979) Quality Is Free, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Crowston, K. 2000 Process as Theory in Information Systems Research, Proceedings of the IFIP 8.2 Working Conference on the Social and Organizational Perspective on Research and Practice in Information Technology, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 149166. Galliers, R.D. also, A.R. Sutherland 1991 Information Systems Management and Strategy Formulation: The Stages of Growth Model Revisited, Information Systems Journal (1)2, pp. 89114. Gorgeon, A.2010 Evolution of the Role of Change Agent for CIOs During Their Time in Office, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, MO. Huang, H.H. also, Hsu, J.S.C., 2005. Correspondences of the Association for Information Systems.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
An Astrological Guide to the College App Process
An Astrological Guide to the College App Process Anyone in the admissions office knows that I have an unhealthy obsession with astrology. Scientifically speaking, there are tons of reasons why we shouldnt believe in astrology (anyone in the EAPS Department would cringe seeing this post), but I find it fun to read an analysis of my sign and see what parts I do or do not relate to. Plus, Im constantly asking my fellow admissions officers and student tour guides for their sun, moon, and rising signs so that I can give them an astrological reading. Thus, Ive decided to share my secret talent with you all in the hopes that you find something to relate to (and perhaps help you procrastinate if you havent submitted a Regular Action application by January 1st yet!). In all seriousness, Im not really an astrologer, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. However, whether you agree with what I predicted for your sign or not, the pieces of advice for every sign in this post apply to all applicants, so have fun reading and dont come for me in the comments! Capricorn My capricorn friends are some of the most ambitious people I know. And during the college application process, this can be great! You arent afraid to throw in an application to a school that seems unlikely, because why not shoot for the stars? However, at MIT, we often receive applications where its obvious a student has only applied to us because of the prestige of MIT and doesnt actually know what this institution is like. College is a place where youll be for the next 4-6 years, perhaps living on their campus. It is so much more important to do your research and find schools where youll be happy than just applying to a school because of its name. Aquarius A trait that Ive admired in all of my aquarius friends/family members is their ability to not internalize what other people think about them. Theyre often known as the cool, calm, and collected signs. While I wish I was able to develop this skill earlier in life personally, during the college application process the opinions of your teachers and counselors will matter, as letters of recommendation are vital. Its a great idea to chat with your recommenders and think about what youd want them to include in your letters and gauge how they perceive you. Pisces Where would many of us be without pisces in our lives? One of the most empathetic signs, pisces are known for their excellent listening skills and abilities to be a great friend. Dont forget that applying to college is a time where you need to focus on yourself! Be a good friend and support your community through tough times, but make sure youre preserving some emotional energy to get through your own applications and the emotional rollercoaster of this college application process. Aries As a leo, my Aries friends are the only ones who are able to take charge in a group setting as much as I do. As a fire sign, they are known for being bold, taking charge, and leading the way. Utilize these strengths while completing applications, but also rely on your community. This process is tough for everyone and its hard for anyone to get through it alone. Have adult mentors review your essays and listen to the advice they give you. Taurus I know youre used to it, but the hallmark sign of a taurus is their bullish stubbornness. Hold onto your values, and trust yourself when getting advice from others because not all advice is good advice. However, the best way to navigate the college process is to be open-minded. Perhaps that means adding a college to your list that you initially didnt think youd apply to, or being open to the way financial aid may influence your final decision. Very few people go through the process exactly as they expected, so try to be open as much as you can. Gemini Many in the astrological world refer to geminis as the two-faced sign, and I think thats overly simplistic. Geminis are incredibly concerned about the way people they interact with are feeling, and are experts at adapting themselves to different social situations. In a college application, we strive to view the most authentic version of yourself as possible. We try to gauge your fit with MIT by learning about who you are and seeing we think youd be happy in our community. Dont try to tell the admissions officers what you think they want to hear just put as much of your personality as possible on the application! Cancer As a water sign, cancers have lots of emotions that are often in flux. The college application process is emotional for everyone going through it, but cancers definitely feel those emotions much more intensely than others. One skill that makes a student very successful in college is learning how and when to rely on your support system. Know the resources and people in your life who you can utilize when you might face good or bad news or when your cancer ways impact your ability to continue working on applications. Leo I may be biased as a leo myself, but we are the most loyal sign in the zodiac. Without our friendships, we wouldnt be ourselves. When I was last home in NJ for Thanksgiving, I hung out with two of my best friends who have been in my life since the 4th grade (talk about loyalty!). I remember applying to my undergrad institution with one of those friends back in high school and thought about how much fun it would be to go to college together. This is going to be really hard for you leos, but where your friends (or significant others) are applying to college should not impact your list. If you happen to have similar interests and apply to similar schools, thats awesome, but be sure that you are applying to colleges where you would honestly be happiest yourself. Virgo If you need to overthink something in 30 different ways, look no further than your virgo friend who has probably already done that before breakfast. Your analytical ways are both a strength and a weakness in this process. I expect that your essays will be strong because youve proofread them 5 times and that your college list is well-balanced and well-researched. However, there is no such thing as a perfect college essay, and you definitely should not apply to 100+ schools because you cant decide on a college list. Try your best on everything in your application and then be OK with hitting submit! Libra Libras are represented by balancing scales in the zodiac because they are truly the most well-balanced sign of the zodiac. Theyre great at thinking through things from all possible viewpoints and angles. Utilize this strength during the process! Perhaps that means dropping an extracurricular activity in 12th grade to prioritize your college applications, or maybe that means having a college list with a mix of colleges that youre really excited about, some that seem to be affordable for your family, and some that you feel more or less confident about being admitted to. Youre already great at balancing a lot in life keep it up during this challenging and stressful time. Scorpio Without control, scorpios panic. Your strong ability to read a social situation and understand power dynamics is very helpful in many aspects of life. However, during the college application process, there are often many things that happen that you cant control, especially after you hit the submit button. One of my friends from college and current roommate was a part of the Posse Foundation. Her groups motto was trust the process while they were applying to colleges, and I think that especially holds true for scorpios. Its not easy, I know, but its important for mental health! Sagittarius Sags are known for their adventurous personalities and excitement for new experiences. Although this process can feel daunting, lean on your adventurous side! Apply to fly-in programs to explore different universities in new settings, dont cross off schools from your list just because theyre really far away or in a place you dont know a lot about, and throw in your application at schools that seem very selective if you think youd be happy there. I know feelings of stress and anxiety are normal during this process, but imagining what your future will look like and who you want to become during college can also be exciting and get you through the slug of senioritis.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Freud, Stevens, and the Critics Psychoanalysis and the Human Condition in The Remains of the Day - Literature Essay Samples
What is the outcome of letting one’s duty subconsciously interfere with ones life? Some may say duty is a part of one’s life; others consider it inappropriate to combine the two. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro follows the life of a butler named James Stevens. Stevens puts his entire effort into being the perfect butler as well as putting his duty before himself and others in his life. Putting duty before life and happiness can hinder decisions and relationships within one’s life. If we as humans have been conditioned into thinking that duty comes before happiness, then we will lose our sense of purpose and drive. Stevens’ insecurities and low self esteem lead him to believe his dull life as a butler will be the only successful thing he is capable of. He subconsciously yet willingly puts aside his own happiness, love life, and personal life just to serve his employer to the best of his ability. This causes him to suppress his own emotions and beco ming more like a robot every day. We as readers see how this dilemma can lead to a loss in compassion and human emotions, filling us with regrets and disappointments that haunt us for the rest of our lives. Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis help pinpoint Stevens’ characteristics and why he acts the way he does, becoming a problem for himself and those around him. Stevens’ ultimate goal in life is to become the perfect butler and to perform his duty to the best of his ability. In doing so, he allows his duty to make the decisions that come about in his life. Literary critic Colin Wells observes Stevens’ behavior as he â€Å"believes that a butler’s greatness rests on â€Å"dignity,†which Stevens argues ‘has crucially to do with a butler’s ability not to abandon the professional being he inhabits’†(Wells). Mr. Farraday, Stevens’ current employer, is keen on bantering or so Steven thinks. In order to please Mr. Farraday, Stevens works on his bantering skills and attempts to joke with him, but Mr. Farraday does not understand, leaving Stevens awkward and out of place. Stevens does not include bantering as a characteristic in his profession, but in order to please his employer he makes an attempt at it anyway. By letting his duty of pleasing his employer come before making the decisio n of not bantering, he goes against his own wishes of keeping his professional composure. This is dramatic irony however, because we as readers realize Stevens is incapable of bantering but Stevens does not realize this himself. Stevens, feeling addled, feeling out of place, feeling lost, debated constantly whether or not he should make a witty statement â€Å"which would still be safely inoffensive in the event of [his] having misjudged the situation†(prologue; 16). Bantering, according to some, is all about being witty and offensive. It is unlikely that bantering comes without offensiveness, but in order to remain in his place while still pleasing his employer, Stevens continues to attempt bantering with his employer. Stevens is skeptical about bantering because it is his duty to remain professional and dignified. However, we see where Stevens does not have a true sense of self. He is able to alter his habits and preferences in order to please those around him. Psychoanalysis claims that we as humans â€Å"learn behavior from our parents or the adult figures in our lives to help us build our identity†(Bolton). It is apparent to us as readers that Stevens’ does not have a set identity. He takes on the identity that is necessary in order to perform his job to the best of his ability even though we as readers know that if Stevens would just be himself, he would be more relaxed and not feel the need to do certain things such as bantering. Along with bantering in order to please his employer, Stevens takes a trip that Mr. Farraday has organized for Stevens. Mr. Farraday is leaving Darlington Hall for a while and suggests to Stevens that he should take a road trip anywhere he wants to go. Being a butler, Stevens is not used to leaving Darlington Hall let alone venturing out on his own. This is huge for Stevens. He has never had to leave and never has had the desire to leave because he does not know what else he would do if he were not performing his role as a butler. He is confined to the walls of Darlington Hall and that is where he feels safe and secure at. Venturing out would mean having to step away from his comfort zone and Stevens would do anything to remain in his comfort zone. This is dramatic irony because we as readers know that being kept confined in a house for years and years is not the way one should live his or her life, but Stevens believes it is the only way to live and is happy doing it when in reality , no one should be happy living that way. However, Stevens feel it is his duty to take this trip in order to please Mr. Farraday and even convinces himself by saying, â€Å"[He] can see no genuine reason why [he] should not undertake this trip†(prologue; 20 ). Stevens is not certain about the trip, but refusing to take it would be refusing his duty and Stevens could not bear to do that. Even though he is uncomfortable with the trip and being outside of Darlington Hall, he puts his duty before himself and chooses to go ahead with the trip. It is unfortunate to see how Stevens has to be told to take a vacation and can only classify it as a part of his duty, knowing that he would never take one himself. It is human nature to crave an escape from our mundane lives and jobs; however, Stevens does not register this desire. In fact, he feels that it would be a waste of his time to go on a trip for a few days seeing as how it would throw him off from his duties, and he would be cons tantly worried about if things were getting done or not. Stevens represents what it is like to stay in one place and to never experience the world for what it is. Stevens will never have life experiences such as buying a house, having a wife and kids, or paying bills and by not having these experiences, he is further losing his sense of emotion and humanity and becoming an introverted slave to his job as a butler. Stevens not only puts his duty before himself and his decisions, but also before his relationships with the close ones in his life. One day long ago, Stevens was serving his previous master, Lord Darlington, and his guests while they were engaged in a conference. At the time, Stevens’ father was upstairs on his death bed after suffering from a stroke. Instead of staying with his father in his last moments, Stevens chose to return to his duty downstairs. Literary critic Sara Constantakis writes â€Å"[t]he introduction of William Stevens into the serving staff at Darlington Hall is significant to the story of the protagonist, James Stevens, because it shows the son what he can expect his future to hold†(Constantakis, Parent-child relationships). According to Freud and his theories on psychoanalysis, it is apparent that Stevens struggles with conscious and unconscious decisions and has a hard time separating between the two. Dr. Joseph Bolton, an expert on psychoanalysis says â€Å"the â€Å"conscious mind,†has first to be deceived in order that the poor unfortunate conscious mind may be disturbed by thoughts too wicked†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Bolton). On one hand, he is consciously aware of his father’s death, but is still subconsciously concerned with returning downstairs to serve his employer. Assuming his father would want him to continue on shows us that Stevens’ father was the same way that Stevens is now, another theory of psychoanalysis. The idea that we subconsciously turn out like our parents do, and pick up on the traits and behaviors that make their way into our own exactly describes Stevens and the way he behaves. By choosing his duty over his father, Stevens shows how important his duty is to him. This situation also contains dramatic irony because we understand Stevens’ duty is not as important as his father, but Stevens does not see it this way. This irony shows how Stevens lets his duty interfere with personal relationships as he ends up missing out on the chance to see his father before he dies. Stevens tries to justify his reason for returning downstairs by saying, â€Å"[He] know[s] [his] father would have wished [him] to carry on just now†(106; Day 2). Whether his father would have wished him to or not, Stevens should have stayed by his father’s side instead of returning downstairs to his duty. Letting his duty interfere with his personal life begins to take its toll on Stevens as he soon finds himself in hard situations in which he must continue to make difficult decisions. Miss Kenton, one of Stevens’ close friends, his only friend for the matter, who is a housekeeper in Darlington Hall, is another example of the times when he puts duty before relationships. Miss Kenton is one of the few people who would approach Stevens, question him, challenge him, stand up to him. Stevens is not used to someone challenging his authority; therefore, it appears that Miss Kenton annoys him, but he cannot help his attraction for her in the long run. Miss Kenton becomes upset one day because Stevens fired some of her maids that she did not want to be fired, but he believed it was the right thing to do even though he agreed with Miss Kenton. When she figures out that he did not want them to go as well, she hounds Stevens for an answer as to why he let them go. Stevens does not answer however, because it is his duty to keep his composure. Soon after, Miss Kenton leaves Darlington Hall to get married, it is obvious she wishes Stevens to â€Å"chase after her†, (243; Day 6 Evening). We as readers know that, â€Å"[s]he is also realistic, and when she realizes that Stevens will never open up to her, she accepts a marriage proposal and leaves Darlington Hall†(Thomason). When Stevens has the opportunity to choose between his job and his personal life, he will always choose his job. Stevens is a slave to his job because subconsciously he knows that he is incapable of doing anything outside of it. It is more than an income, it’s a lifestyle. Without it, he would be lost and not know of his place in the world. According to Freud and Parker, â€Å"a human’s cognition is determined by irrational drives that are rooted in the subconscious†(Parker). Meaning, Stevens’ sense of duty is always at the back of his mind and always holds him hostage to the desires that he does have outside of his obligations. With this mindset though, he eventually loses Miss Kenton and even though it hurts him to see Miss Kenton leave , to show any sign of this would be going against his act of duty. Stevens is unwilling to accept that she has left and is married and still refers to her as Miss Kenton and not by her married name. By losing her, he convinces himself that he does not need a romantic relationship because it will distract him from his job further disconnecting him from his emotions and feelings. One part of Stevens’ occupation, according to himself as a butler, is to show no feelings, no opinions, no emotions. This is dramatic irony though, because Stevens says he cannot give his opinion, but all through the book he gives his honest opinion and we realize this, but Stevens’ believes he is not giving any opinions away. By letting this duty take over his emotions, he pushes the ones around him away and he becomes less in touch with his human side as he succumbs to his subconscious. Freud however, states that there should be an equal balance between the conscious and the subconscious, and neither should take over the other. This obviously becomes a problem for Stevens. Stevens’ duty will always be a problem if he continues to let it come before his decisions and relationships. In the end, when he swears he will change it is a true question of if he really will. He still subconsciously carries the mindset that his duty is above all and he has kept this mentality for many, many years. By never allowing himself away from his duty, he is never allowing himself a chance to do something that makes him happy. The dramatic irony in this is Stevens is unaware that he is truly unhappy because of his duty, but it is obvious to the readers. By not making these realizations, he hurts himself even more, but continues to let his duty come before his relationships and decisions, hurting him even more in the end. Works Cited Wells, Colin. The Remains of the Day. World Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events That Influenced Them, by Joyce Moss, vol. 4: British and Irish Literature and Its Times: The Victorian Era to the Present (1837-), Gale, 2001, pp. 415-423. Gale Virtual Reference Library, =rid=GALE%7CCX2875600052asid=156b2c331b50a235edc5e612e3dd56f7 . The Remains of the Day. Novels for Students, edited by Sara Constantakis, vol. 39, Gale, 2012, pp. 302-325. Gale Virtual Reference Library, =rid=GALE%7CCX1518200025asid=e36eef2d58527b8bf67e54dc77a5bd9e. The Remains of the Day. Novels for Students, edited by Elizabeth Thomason, vol. 13, Gale, 2002, pp. 212-236. Gale Virtual Reference Library, =rid=GALE%7CCX2592600021asid=d2f58f4665f81ca060b2428569604e39. Bolton, J. S. (1926). Psycho-analysis. The English Review, 1908-1937, , 556-566. Retrieved from I shiguro, Kazuo. The Remains of the Day. New York: Vintage International, 1989. Parker, Robert Dale. How to Interpret Literature: Critical Theory for Literary and Cultural Studies. New York, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Understanding Poverty And Injustice - 1050 Words
Understanding Poverty and Injustice: The residents of The Faine House can be considered â€Å"poor†for a number of different reasons, but the root of their poverty is the same, lack of a strong and supportive family. Because of this first cause, for the rest of their life, they are plagued with issues that become even harder to solve without the help from a compassionate and caring family. In our Catholic faith, the doctrine of the Trinity tells us to invest in healthy relationships. Graham Tomlin wrote, â€Å"Relationships are far more important than our careers, our holidays, and our salaries,†(Tomlin). It is true that the residents are financially and educationally disadvantaged, but it is the insufficiency of wholesome relationships that is the worst injustice. One can have an unpleasant or poor-paying job, but if that person has a strong familial support system, he or she is much less poor in spirit than the person who does not. From strong families, we can build rich communities of love to solve the rest of life’s problems. It is a goal of foster care to unite children with loving families, but unfortunately that does not always work out. In the meanwhile, it is integral to address the children’s other forms of poverty. In my experience, many of the residents have been poor in finances, education, and care. The Preferential Option for the Poor, from Catholic Social Teaching, prioritizes the needs of the poor and the vulnerable. Children in foster care haveShow MoreRelatedWhat Does Human Justice And Injustice Look Like?1318 Words  | 6 PagesBefore answering the question of â€Å"What does human justice and injustice look like?†, we ought to firstly define the two words. First we give an informal, contemporary definition of the words. The word justice can be defined as being treated with fairness or fair behavior, the word justice is also commonly linked with peace and good. 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Hunger is â€Å"not having enough to eat to meet energy requirements.†It can lead to malnutrition, which is a condition when one’sRead MoreKatherine Skloot s The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks1274 Words  | 6 PagesHenrietta Lacks, has made it her mission to uncover the details about the woman behind HeLa cells. In doing so, she has found herself immersed in the wrongdoings that have occurred upon the Lacks children, all the acts against ethics and race, and poverty that they shouldn’t have had to suffer through. With each act, Skloot’s resolve to find justice for Henrietta and her family strengthened, resulting in her passionate work, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Polio vaccines, treatments for influenza
Monday, May 18, 2020
Service Request SR-rm-022 paper part 1 - 1472 Words
Introduction Hugh McCaughley, Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing has requested a new system for the Human Resources department of their company which would be implemented and utilized at three plant locations and the company headquarters. To build the new human resources system properly, information must be collected from various areas of Riordan Manufacturing, and the information will be collected in a variety of ways. This information must then be used to determine such items as scope of the project which can allow for feasibility studies to ensure the system should be implemented, Stakeholders and sources of information The first order of business for information collecting would be to identify the stakeholders for†¦show more content†¦The interviews will be recorded and notes will be taken so the interviewer and build a plan and determine the system requirements of the new human resource system. It is crucial that the interviews and interview questions be well structured to gain the highest quality of information gathered during the interviews. The quality of information gathered is just as important as the quantity as described by Havelka and Sooun (2002): â€Å"Interaction between users and IS personnel was described as the quantity and quality of communication and the amount of group activities performed, including feedback from and to one another during the process†. Proper communication and collaboration is critical in the beginning phases for collecting and large quantity of good quality information. Along with interviewing, it would be beneficial to hold a JAD (Joint Application development) session with the stakeholders so everyone may come together and share their opinions and knowledge of the system. While a JAD session may have high costs, the benefits of a JAD session are very high as the session enables analysts, developers and the stakeholders to come together and work towards the design of the new system. Bringing all the users in a room together helps the analysts and developers greatly understand the needs of the new system as discussedShow MoreRelatedService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 BSA/375 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. There is a plant in Albany, GA that produces plastic beverage containers, a plant in Pontiac, MI that produces custom plastic parts, and a plastic fan parts facility in Hangzhou, China. 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Consider revising Sections 1 and 2 based on faculty feedback. Resource: Virtual Organizations link under Academic Resources for Riordan Manufacturing  and Service Request. Note: The content of the Week Four assignment should not be changed because this assignment has beenRead MoreService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 12570 Words  | 11 PagesRunning head: Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Contents Abstract 3 Riordan’ Summary 4 Mission Statement 5 Raw Material 6 Manufacturing RFID/Barcode Requirements 8 Shipping Process / Dispatching Process 9 Conclusion 10 Flow Chart 11 Flow Chart Continue 13 References 15 Abstract Riordan Manufacturing Industries is a worldwide manufacturer of plastics who employs 550 employees and they are a Fortune 1000 enterprise. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Renaissance and Reformation - 806 Words
The renaissance and the reformation were two of the most significant changes in history that has shaped our world today. Both of these great time periods are strikingly similar in some ways and totally different in others. This is because the renaissance was a change from religion to humanism whether it is in art or literature; it is where the individual began to matter. However, the reformation was,†in a nutshell,†a way to reform the church and even more so to form the way our society is today. The first half of this paper will view the drop in faith, the economic powers, and the artistic and literary changes during the renaissance, while the second half will view the progresses and changes the church makes during the reformation.†¦show more content†¦As for art, it was based off of humanism and was supposed to imitate nature. There were many art and architectural masters during the renaissance, some of which based their art on a perfect human form. One of the se masters was Raphael, who designed the school of Athens and painted with harmony and order by the age of 25. Sadly all this good change had to end and with it went the renaissance. As a result of the renaissance, people wanted answers to religious questions, and so came the reformation. The reformation was a divide in the Catholic Church and protestant groups. The main reason for this split was Christian humanism, whose followers said that the church and society needed changing and to do this you must change the individual. One of the main believers of Christian humanism was Erasmus who criticized the church and the popes for acting like politicians. Erasmus stressed the simplicity of living a simple life and sought to reform the church but not to completely leave it. During this time the people wanted to know truth. They wanted to know where the soul went after death, and to have a meaningful religious experience. The man that gave them their answers was Martin Luther. Luther claimed that salvation was gained by faith, not good works, and that the selling of indulgences was wrong. The princes of Germany took a liking to Luther’s beliefs and soon made a church of their own. Luther was eventually excommunicatedShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance And Reformation And The Reformation1507 Words  | 7 PagesThe Renaissance and Reformation – two of Europe’s largest movements – grappled many of the same issues. Both these movements addressed the question of human fate and tried to make changes to entities and institutions in society. These broad similarities allow some to believe that the Renaissance and Reformation had a relationship in which the former caused the latter. However, while both the Renaissance and Ref ormation deal with questions of human fate and are movements of change, the answers theyRead MoreThe Renaissance And The Reformation746 Words  | 3 Pagesmasquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.†The Renaissance and the Reformation was an era in time of rebirth for aspects in life. Per our reading the term Renaissance is another name for rebirth. â€Å"Renaissance is a term that means â€Å"re-birth†. The idea is that there was a re-birth of classical Greco-Roman cultural heritage into European society.†With this new found discover ofRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation And Renaissance : The Renaissance And The Renaissance1008 Words  | 5 Pagesresemblance to another. As to the concern of the relation between the Protestant Reformation and Renaissance, they both encompass apparent elements of individualism and religious reason ing. In spite of this, both these events can be separately indentified as different based on the change they incited on the whole of Western Civilization and of who was actually effected during their time. The foremost impact of the Renaissance is the inspiration of human thought and choices created by the Humanist writingsRead MoreThe Renaissance Versus the Reformation1340 Words  | 6 PagesThe Renaissance versus the Reformation I feel, sometimes, as the Renaissance man must have felt in finding new riches at every point and in the certainty that unexplored areas of knowledge and experience await at every turnÂâ€"Polykarp Kusch. Two very critical periods in the history of western civilization involved the eras of the Renaissance and the Reformation. The renaissance evolved mainly in direct result to the medieval times where the people where obedient to authority. The reformationRead MoreRenaissance And Reformation, 1350-16001879 Words  | 8 PagesSubject: Date: Renaissance and Reformation, 1350-1600 Renaissance was a time that began in 1300, during the last middle age and ended in during the late 1500s but correctly marked the period of the European history. The word in French meant ‘rebirth’ of the European civilization. The Reformation was the break from the Catholic Church and the birth of Lutheranism or Protestant that was championed by Martin Luther King. The essay will focus on the origin of Renaissance and Reformation explaining theRead MoreRenaissance and the Reformation Essay example2166 Words  | 9 PagesThe term â€Å"Renaissance†literally translates to â€Å"rebirth†as the Renaissance was a cultural and academic movement emphasizing the rediscovery and application of texts and philosophy from the Greco-Roman and classical eras. The Renaissance lasted approximately three centuries, beginning in the 1400’s and ending roughly in the 1700’s. Although no definite date can be accredited for the beginning or end of the Renais sance, it is believed to have been birthed by a gradual influx of ideas that was ultimatelyRead MoreThe Renaissance : An Era Of Rebirth And Reformation1171 Words  | 5 PagesThe Renaissance was an era of rebirth and reformation, which brought about awareness of various cultures. It was a period of intellectual improvement because there was a new enthusiasm for learning. Also, there was an increasing focus in humanism, which emphasized the importance of individualization. Numerous improvements in literature, art, music, and philosophy led to developments that still influence today’s way of living. The exploration of the new world allowed the natural beauty of the worldRead MoreThe Revolution And Reformation During The Renaissance1205 Words  | 5 PagesRevolution and reformation; these are two words that are often identified with war, disagreement, and regional effects. While these things do indeed come along with a revolution or reformation, they heed an array of posit ive and secular outcomes as well. In addition, a revolution can, and usually will, cause a reformation. Conversely, a reformation can cause a revolution. This can happen despite the two things involved with the change or disagreement being seemingly unrelated. The world is connectedRead MoreThe Importance of the Renaissance to the Reformation in Germany1263 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of the Renaissance to the Reformation in Germany The reformation was a movement that fundamentally challenged the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. The role of the clergy was undermined and the relationships between national countries and the Roman Catholic Church were threatened. The renaissance began in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries through patronage and the flourishing society, and Rome achieved cultural prominence. It laterRead MoreBlending of Renaissance and Reformation in Paradise Lost2288 Words  | 10 Pagesstyle which holds classical flavor. So, Milton shows Biblical theme in classical mood. We can also say that Milton’s mind is shaped and moulded by the influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation. On the one hand, he drank deep of classical poetry and philosophy and is inherited all the culture and humanism of the Renaissance and on the other, he has a deeply religious temperament, and is a profound student of the Bible and the literature of the scripture. Thus at the back of Milton’s mind there
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Plan For The Lemonade Day - 936 Words
For our lemonade day business day to be successful we all had to put in individual work to achieve our seminars overall goal of selling lemonade. Our goal was to have a visually appealing halloween themed lemonade stand. The business goal was to break even at the least and create a small sum of profit. Since we were competing against other groups at the same time and location, expectations of profit were low. The reasons for low expectations is because of the weather and time of the year. It wasn’t a hot day and the weather was very gloomy forcing us to set up the stand inside the University Centre. My role in the group was to be part of the finance and accounting team. Our teams main role in the lemonade day were distributing information of the group s products and services that they needed, researching prices of the products and service needed, and creating budgets for each group if they needed funds to complete their roles for the lemonade day to be successful. Many groups needed funds such as Marketing and Operations. Operations found the basics needs of what the group needed to make the day successful. They decided what type of lemonade we should be making and what other essentials we needed to ensure our day to run smoothly. Marketing also had other plans to make our Lemonade business stand out compared to other groups. They decided to make our group halloween themed since halloween is right around the corner. They also decided to sell other things such as saltyShow MoreRelatedLemonade Stand, Part II : On The Level Lemons1487 Words  | 6 Pages LEMONADE STAND, PART II: On the Level Lemonsâ„ ¢ Nicollette Hardwick DeVry University BUSN115 Introduction to Business and Technology Professor Hagans On the Level Lemonsâ„ ¢ LANDSCAPE We keep everything honest and straightforward at On the Level Lemons. At On the Level Lemons, we strive to provide superior quality lemonade that customers praise to family and friends, mothers prefer for their children, purchasers choose for their clients, employees are proud of, and investorsRead MoreVincor Case Study2407 Words  | 10 PagesVincor Marketing Plan October 5, 2010 Presented by: Marketing Plan Executive Summary Vincor is a well established wine and wine-related producer based out of Mississauga Ontario. Vincor wants to use their current success and venture into the refreshment market by introducing a new line of coolers. In order to do this Vincor will have to decide what type of cooler to produce as well as the design, packaging, price and marketing strategy. Market research was conducted to determine who theRead MoreEssay on Defining Marketing869 Words  | 4 PagesMarketing is one of those things that surrounds your everyday life and you dont even realize it. A challenge of a good marketing manager is to make a person or customer to not even realize that they are targets of a marketing campaign. To define marketing in my own words; giving products a place to perform or show to enhance a buyer. Marketing is a truly important function of business. It is basically the wheels of motion to get a business to profitability. For example, a merchant has a widgetRead MoreDunkin Donuts And Krisp y Kreme1133 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most benefits. That is when I decided that I was to put Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme side-by-side to see who would be the best in the modern marketing world. In order to do this, I will be discussing the four P’s to differentiate the companies and use other material that was discussed in class. When I started to write this report; my original plan was to use Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks to determine which would be better, however these companies are far from comparison and I chose a companyRead MoreCoca-Colas Principles of Budgeting955 Words  | 4 Pagesto more than 130 markets. Coca-Cola has stopped using its mass-marketing, big brand model techniques and instead goes for word-of-mouth or by campaigns that have pitted itself against Pepsi (The Pesi wars) thereby causing its reputation to become viral and word of mouth. Rather than investing huge budgeting costs into its marketing, it prefers to skimp on marketing relying instead on word-of-mouth, its reputation, and viral marketing. They also try to do things in an innovative and different wayRead MoreThe Popularity Of Celebrity Endorsements2265 Words  | 10 Pagesthat Beyonce s content marketing calendar, which is probably written on angel wing feathers and dipped in gold, has had the Super Bowl written in it for many years. She rocks the super bowl, but she also used the highest-viewed TV event of the year to announce her tour- garnering even more awareness than she would during the Grammys or the Oscars, times when a more engaged fan base would be watching. When you have the opportunity to go big, go big like Beyonce. Lemonade is being lauded for itsRead MoreDunkin Donuts And Krispy Kreme1234 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most benefits. That is when I decided that I was to put Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme side-by-side to see who would be the best in the modern marketing world. In order to do this, I will be discussing the four P’s to differentiate the companies and use other material that was discussed in class. 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Being personally invested in the lives of employees will help improve the overall performance of the company as well. There are many tips that I plan on implementing to ensure that the employees of Jamba Juice can get along with one another. One of the biggest ways to solve this issue is to encourage the employees to work out their differences on their own. As a manager, I should want my employeesRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Bionade Essay12314 Words  | 50 PagesI Marketing Strategy Plan 1 Company and Product 1.1 Company overview The â€Å"BIONADE GmbH†is a small German manufacturer and distributor of the organic lemonade brand â€Å"Bionade†. The family-owned-enterprise has 107 employees and is located in Ostheim, a small town in the northern Bavaria region of Germany. Sigrid Peter-Leipold is the industrial business manager, owner and executive manager of the â€Å"Privat Brauerei Peter KG Associate Partner†and the â€Å"BIONADE GmbH†and â€Å"BIONADE International
Branding Proposal Free Essays
Done is a small, personally owned public relations agency that specializes in event activations. C-Ad’s strong suits are in image creation, coordinating, promoting and managing public events. The activities that are provided, ensures the client’s target customers to understand and remember their brand without having a second to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Branding Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our target customers are start-up business, rising small businesses and expanding businesses. These clients are in need of outsourced public relations in order to gain more information of what the external dimension of their company is in need of. By magnifying our trained, experienced and valued employees, Commanded will definitely earn its spot in the public relations map in advance than planned. Furthermore, by the owner having good relationships in the fashion and entertainment business this will be a competitive advantage on getting the appropriate press for the event activations. Commanded will use the traditional 3 ways of promotion, which are; 1 . Offline marketing Print ads (magazine, newspaper, flyers, posters) Television/ radio commercials Coordinate events for the opening events and get involved with charity work to get some reputation and a name in the industry because normally, charity events involves a lot of pres and celebrities, furthermore, by building a good relationship with the charity companies and celebrities, it will automatically attract the public eye. 2. Online marketing 2. 1 . 2. 2. 2. 3. Twitter, Faceable and Mainstream Pop-up ads E-mail blasts (different from spam) 3. Word of mouth 3. 1 . Relying on the relationship that has been made from events, Commanded are hoping and sure that all of our future customers will be satisfied and will recommend our services to family and friends. Our agency’s target audiences are; I Start-up business, New businesses that still do not have any recognition from the community and most importantly from their target customers. Ii Rising small businesses and Small business whom are known in the coal surroundings market but wants to expand into the bigger community. Ii Expanding businesses Business whom are already known but still wants to branch out, and host opening parties which will involve press and possibly spokes person. How to cite Branding Proposal, Papers
Houdini free essay sample
MusicThe Melvins Houdini If any of you have ever heard of the Melvins, it is probably because they grew up alongside the fellows who would eventually become Nirvana in Aberdeen, Washington. It is indeed unfortunate that most people wouldnt bother giving this band a moments notice if it werent for their geographic location (they have since relocated to San Francisco) because they have created one of the best albums to come out of any corner of the nation this year. But anyone who is looking for more of what we have come to know as the infamous grunge sound had better look elsewhere. If the sound of a snail wallowing through a swamp of maple syrup were cranked through a stack of Marshall amps, the result would not be terribly different from that of the Melvins. Slower, heavier, much more bass and tons LOUDER than any band out of Seattle, one gets the impression that they would have been more comfortable pounding out this offering in a garage (or maybe a dungeon) than an actual recording studio. We will write a custom essay sample on Houdini or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As far as variety goes, this album doesnt score very well, but each song is brilliant and the Melvins manage to steer clear of the repetitious clichs that make so much of todays heavier music so unlistenable. While I definitely would not recommend this album to someone who prefers shiny, happy MTV anthems, I strongly urge those of you who gravitate toward the louder-is-better music to check out this band. Just keep a healthy supply of aspirin handy. . Review by R. L., Fitchburg, MA
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Poem Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Essays - Rhyme
The Poem Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening The Poem Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening This poem is layered with different meanings and it requires the reader to contemplate Frosts emotions behind the words. Like most of Frost's poems, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening can be read on several level yet you can ignore them all and still enjoy the surface meaning. On the surface of this poem, its talking about a man traveling through the woods with his horse and they stop near someones house. The horse wants the man to continue but he wants to stay. Being in the woods causes the man to reflect on the larger tensions between duty; his promises to keep(13) and the desire to do what he wants. However, in order to fully understand the emotions and the deeper meanings within this poem, well analyze these three aspects of the poem: images, rhythms and meanings. This entire poem uses words that paint very vivid images of gorgeous winter, lovely dark woods and peacefulness, which inside causes a certain friction or tension. Also there is a sense of darkness in the poem, such as in the darkest evening of the year(8) and The woods are lovely, dark and deep(16). And the fact that the poem takes place in the isolated woods, there is a certain quality of peacefulness and stillness being portrayed as in the frozen lake(12) and The only other sounds the sweep/Of easy wind and downy flake(11-12). Between the woods and frozen lake(7). This notion of being in between those two things is a significant tension in the poem. Therefore without these exact words, this poem could lack several layers of meaning and emotion. Just below the surface there is the sleep/death metaphor, and the undercurrent of gentle longing for death tinges the surface with a melancholy that reinforces and plays off the night and winter images. But the imagery of the poem quoted ab ove creates in the reader the actual feelings of peace, beauty and tension; these actual feelings make up a range of experience entirely different from the experience of the rational thought that sums up the poem. All stanzas have a regular rhyme scheme of the last word of the first, second and fourth lines in each stanza (AABA, BBCB, etc.) except for the last stanza, which is all in the same rhyme (DDDD). Besides that, the last word from the third line rhymes with the following stanzas lines one, two and four. These perfect rhymes and rhythms lend itself to the light restful feel of the poem. Frosts choice of written words are much like spoken English which lends itself to the conversational feel that his poems have. Form wise, note the predominance of soft, sibilant sounds, evoking the sweep of easy wind and downy flake(11-12). Also the sounds associated with nature in the poem all sound soothing, such as sweep(11) and deep(13) which suggests further that the woods is a place of refuge for the man. The change in rhyme in the final stanza gives us a clue about the shift in the content, too. The shift comes at a point in the poem when we might expect an insight or answer to the question the po em poses, but the same rhyme throughout this final stanza suggests instead that the man is still thinking or still asking the questions. In addition, the final two lines repeat one another, which also suggests that a problem or tension still exists, that the poem doesnt completely provide resolution. Every word has a key role in the deeper meaning of the poem. Normally poems are shorter than other works. This makes each word of a poem extremely significant. Frosts major meaning seemed to be that one should take time to stop and notice the beauty around us but not to dawdle and dwell too long, as there is much to do in a lifetime. In the first stanza, To watch his woods fill up with snow(4), we see a man stopping in the forest to watch it fill up with snow. Here, the woods in the poem symbolize death. The woods and death are both looked at as very cold
Saturday, March 21, 2020
In the World of My Own Editing the Snatches of Peoples Lives
In the World of My Own Editing the Snatches of Peoples Lives The place where life is brighter than anywhere else, cinema proves that sometimes life without drama becomes incomplete. Like no other art, it can convey the most important ideas in the most unobtrusive way, helping the screenwriter to communicate the most essential ideas in a two-hour movie.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on In the World of My Own: Editing the Snatches of People’s Lives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rain Man by Barry Levinson is one of such pictures. Despite the difficulties concerning the fusion of a complicated plot with no less complicated process of shooting the film, the crew managed to create a film that incorporates the intriguing plot and the impeccable editing. Taking a closer look at the picture, one can see clearly that the movie creates a continuity that is interrupted only at specific moments to make the scene ever more intense and gripping. Split in several parts, the movi e still represents a whole that cannot be broken. Another aspect to consider is the rythmics of the movie. A long shot, then a shorter one, to be interrupted by a continuous episode through which the narrator conveys the peculiarities of each character. If considering each piece a cadence of sounds, the entire movie could be compared to a musical piece by Teleman or Vivaldi. Surprisingly, the film does not offer a variety of transitional effects. The one that the editors resorted most often to is the jump cut. However, such maneuver does not seem a drawback of the movie – on the contrary, it adds a certain tint of incompleteness and abruptness of the film. As a life switches its tunes from mellow ones into harsher and rougher melodies, the movie marks the end of each phase of the characters’ growth with these abrupt endings. Moreover, these transitions seem completely unnoticeable despite their sharpness. Perhaps, the flow of the plot does remind of the way life goes, which helps the spectator get ready for another turn of the plot. With help of these tiny transitions, each spectator can feel the enchanting rhythm of the movie – the rhythm of Rain Man. There is one more thing that deserves being discussed here. Considering the masterful match cuts in Rain Man, one can realize that without this trick, the movie would have lost half of its charm. Although there are only a few that create the specific atmosphere in the movie and switch the spectator’s attention to the necessary details, these several cuts produce intense effect.Advertising Looking for assessment on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of these is the episode when Raymond watches the matches falling on the floor. Since he is autistic, his eyes are rarely fixed on certain object, and this specific eye-line match cut emphasizes the importance of the moment, showing separately Raymond casting his sight right on the floor, and then the floor with the matches scattered on it. Filled with intense strain, this episode reveals certain peculiarities of Rain Man’s character. Another piece of the movie in which match cuts play the crucial part is the episode when Ray copies the pattern on the floor into a sheet of paper. Revealing the incredible abilities of Rain Man, the editor utilizes the method of graphic match cut. At the very beginning of the scene, the spectator can see Ray scribbling something on a snatch of paper. In several seconds, the paper fallen on the floor is the size of a painting, with the precise copy of the carpet pattern. The last, but not the least comes the match-on-action cut that also conveys peculiar ideas concerning the movie characters and their adventures. The shot in which Ray and his brother walk down the hall is interchanged with the picture of a highway, cars moving up and down it. This is one of those subtle hints on what a life actually is – a journey to the future, where the driver and the passenger hardly know each other. With help of each of these amazing shots, the editor provided spectators with a spectrum of unforgettable feelings. Watching the movie, one can notice that the laws of editing – at least, the Hollywood variant of this art – are somehow violated. Since it only adds the specific fleur of authenticity and genuineness to the film, there is no doubt that these rules have been neglected on purpose to create even greater impression. One of such is the scene of Charlie Babbit and his girlfriend, Susanna, quarreling. Although logically, the entire scene was supposed to be a master shot, it was often split, the camera swaying from one person to another, often capturing certain objects and leaving the characters out of its focus. Unlike the rest of the shots, this one does not create the impression of the movie integrity, which is extremely important. With help of this approach, the e ditor has managed to depict the scene when the worlds of the lead characters collapse – Susanne loses her faith in Charlie, whereas Charlie realizes that he is losing the last person he can rely on. Without this support, he will feel deprived of his own self, which is evident from the scene. With help of the numerous editing tricks and approaches, the creators of the movie managed to convey the very essence of the picture without exposing it to the whole wide world. Only watching the movie from the very beginning to the very end, one can feel the specific air of loneliness that the film is shot through.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on In the World of My Own: Editing the Snatches of People’s Lives specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no doubt that without these elements, the key issue of the film would have remained a mystery to the public. The sparkle of understanding and even sadness in Rain Man’s eyes is the perfect touch to a perfectly touching story of friendship and devotion.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Ethics and Values in Social Work Essay Sample
Ethics and Values in Social Work Essay Sample Social Work Values and Ethics Essay Ethics and values often go hand in hand. There is always some form of correlation between one’s actions and a doer of actions. It is a combination of the two that can play a crucial role in the determination of one’s values, standards, and subsequently, morality. Social work, to a great extent, entails the interaction between individuals. In social work as a field, the code of ethics always plays an important role. It forms the basis of everything that the field is all about. A value carries various meanings and definitions but generally, entail the combination of reasons and drive that are behind every action that an individual does, be it right or wrong. Values in social work can be exemplified by respect to everyone, as well as the aspect of self-determinism. Since social work traces much of its existence in the various interactions between people, it also recognizes the complex nature of such interactions, especially when it comes to doing with human beings and the surrounding. It has taken a great deal of its knowledge body from such complexities, in order to influence individual change in one way or another. Subsequently, such values play a key role in helping the social worker to be able to make wise decisions when it comes to sociocultural challenges and injustices. Social work professionals aim at empowering members in the society who are vulnerable, oppressed or impoverished. Ethics and values in social work outline that social work entails various core values for instance dignity, social justice, integrity, valuing human interrelationships and competence. The core of the social work profession is the social work code of ethics and values which helps the workers make sound judgments while handing clients if caring ethnicity, race or religion. Value and actions link directly, and thus we are judged according to the values we express through an action once we perform it. Ethics and values in social work dictate how we can interpret and resolve dilemmas between different values in a professional manner. The article grants guidelines on some ethical practices and their roles in the determination of actions basing on the social work significance. Ethics and values in social work illustrates how we can access the ethics concept and show how it is employed to examine daily operations in the social work practices. These two aspects of social work also allows us to analyze the major role of governance among the representative bodies within the social work activities. Ethics and value in social work describe values as set guidelines and rules in the wrong or right decisions individuals make. It’s evident that values facilitate the recognition of the actions as valuable or worthy and thus we can evaluate what is vital and what is less important in case a conflict of values erupts. Ethics and values in social work explain that the core values within a social work practice inform our understanding of diversity. The values and ethics in social work are not just part of the whole field, they actually constitute the entire field. They literally dictate how social workers interact with real life problems or challenges, by providing them with the set platform through which they can use to do it. From a sociocultural point of view, this helps in understanding the complexities of human interactions, while helping to make sense out of it.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Honey & Honey Products Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Honey & Honey Products - Research Paper Example The popularly used model is AIDA model, which includes four stages, namely awareness, interest, desire and action. These four stages occur when a consumer is confronted with some form of advertisement. Honey and Honey Products are basically in their introduction phase. This provides a good opportunity for the honey company to make a long-term impression on their consumer’s mind through positive brand building activities. Advertising and media relations will focus on building awareness and long-term relationship with consumers, while sales promotions and direct marketing activities will help in generating sales and revenues. Advertisement will consist of print, television and outdoor advertisements. Print advertisement will be included in popular cooking and home magazines, targeting women. Television advertisement will include a 30 second ad, which will be featured during prime time on popular local channels. The ad will be a combination of testimonies as well as information, where features and USP of the products and brand will be discussed. Outdoor advertisement includes billboards and flyers of Honey and Honey Products at different strategic places, such as, malls, shopping centres, food market as well as health and fitness gyms. According to the diagram above, it is evident that advertisement plays a significant role during initial stages of consumer decision making, i.e. awareness and interest. Also, good and effective advertisement will help in establishing positive brand equity and brand recognition. Public relation tools will be used for the publicity of new products. It will help in placing products among target consumers through press and media, thereby increasing consumer awareness and knowledge about Honey and Honey Products. Another strategy adopted by the company is customer satisfaction through 24x7 phone lines. This will not only solve
Monday, February 3, 2020
Factors that Triggered the Collapse of Communism in Poland in 1989 Essay
Factors that Triggered the Collapse of Communism in Poland in 1989 - Essay Example The economy, politics, cultural and social lives were controlled by the state, which did not allow the establishment of free enterprise. Agriculture was conducted collectively. The system was fully totalitarian with the state controlling all aspects of life. The regime used propaganda to pressurize the people to accepting the policies concerning social issues such as marriage and child bearing. Under communism, it was not easy to divorce, and abortion was illegal. This was not welcome for to the people since they were denied a chance to make their own choice concerning private life. Social education in schools was controlled by the regime in order to ensure that the information that was offered in schools was in line with the communist policies regarding social life. Fees in the upper classes had been designed to reduce the number of children who could go for higher education since only some parents could afford it. The government ensured that important information about it was kept away from the public (Ka-Loc Chan K pp. 66-71). One of the major factors that led to the collapse of communism in Poland was the method which the regime used to govern. Intimidation and force were the common ways that were used on the people, and therefore communism could never get support from the majority. This was a political failure that caused the decline. This is because generally, a political party that lacks public support is politically weak. The failure was amplified by the fact that communism adopted an undemocratic ways of acquiring power and continued using them to enhance its stay in power. The labor strike of 1980 formed the beginning of anti-communism in Poland. This was facilitated by the formation of the trade union whose members were drawn the anti-communist leftists and from the Roman Catholic Church, as some of the members of the Solidarity (The Daily News - September 1981). The union became strong due to the support by rebellious
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