Monday, May 11, 2020
Renaissance and Reformation - 806 Words
The renaissance and the reformation were two of the most significant changes in history that has shaped our world today. Both of these great time periods are strikingly similar in some ways and totally different in others. This is because the renaissance was a change from religion to humanism whether it is in art or literature; it is where the individual began to matter. However, the reformation was,†in a nutshell,†a way to reform the church and even more so to form the way our society is today. The first half of this paper will view the drop in faith, the economic powers, and the artistic and literary changes during the renaissance, while the second half will view the progresses and changes the church makes during the reformation.†¦show more content†¦As for art, it was based off of humanism and was supposed to imitate nature. There were many art and architectural masters during the renaissance, some of which based their art on a perfect human form. One of the se masters was Raphael, who designed the school of Athens and painted with harmony and order by the age of 25. Sadly all this good change had to end and with it went the renaissance. As a result of the renaissance, people wanted answers to religious questions, and so came the reformation. The reformation was a divide in the Catholic Church and protestant groups. The main reason for this split was Christian humanism, whose followers said that the church and society needed changing and to do this you must change the individual. One of the main believers of Christian humanism was Erasmus who criticized the church and the popes for acting like politicians. Erasmus stressed the simplicity of living a simple life and sought to reform the church but not to completely leave it. During this time the people wanted to know truth. They wanted to know where the soul went after death, and to have a meaningful religious experience. The man that gave them their answers was Martin Luther. Luther claimed that salvation was gained by faith, not good works, and that the selling of indulgences was wrong. The princes of Germany took a liking to Luther’s beliefs and soon made a church of their own. Luther was eventually excommunicatedShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance And Reformation And The Reformation1507 Words  | 7 PagesThe Renaissance and Reformation – two of Europe’s largest movements – grappled many of the same issues. Both these movements addressed the question of human fate and tried to make changes to entities and institutions in society. These broad similarities allow some to believe that the Renaissance and Reformation had a relationship in which the former caused the latter. 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