Saturday, May 23, 2020
Understanding Poverty And Injustice - 1050 Words
Understanding Poverty and Injustice: The residents of The Faine House can be considered â€Å"poor†for a number of different reasons, but the root of their poverty is the same, lack of a strong and supportive family. Because of this first cause, for the rest of their life, they are plagued with issues that become even harder to solve without the help from a compassionate and caring family. In our Catholic faith, the doctrine of the Trinity tells us to invest in healthy relationships. Graham Tomlin wrote, â€Å"Relationships are far more important than our careers, our holidays, and our salaries,†(Tomlin). It is true that the residents are financially and educationally disadvantaged, but it is the insufficiency of wholesome relationships that is the worst injustice. One can have an unpleasant or poor-paying job, but if that person has a strong familial support system, he or she is much less poor in spirit than the person who does not. From strong families, we can build rich communities of love to solve the rest of life’s problems. It is a goal of foster care to unite children with loving families, but unfortunately that does not always work out. In the meanwhile, it is integral to address the children’s other forms of poverty. In my experience, many of the residents have been poor in finances, education, and care. The Preferential Option for the Poor, from Catholic Social Teaching, prioritizes the needs of the poor and the vulnerable. Children in foster care haveShow MoreRelatedWhat Does Human Justice And Injustice Look Like?1318 Words  | 6 PagesBefore answering the question of â€Å"What does human justice and injustice look like?†, we ought to firstly define the two words. First we give an informal, contemporary definition of the words. The word justice can be defined as being treated with fairness or fair behavior, the word justice is also commonly linked with peace and good. On the other hand, the word injustice can be defined as the oppos ite of justice and absence of fairness and justice. Theses two words are commonly linked and correspondsRead MoreEssay on Liberation Theology in Latin America1734 Words  | 7 Pagessense of â€Å"consciousness†amongst the inhabitants of the Latin American countries. The industrial growth greatly benefited the middle-class and the working-class; however, the poor were driven into shantytowns and rural areas. To illustrate the great poverty of this time in Latin America, people living in â€Å"shantytowns†resided in vast settlements built of cardboard and other available materials such as metal and sheets of plastic. These â€Å"towns†frequently lacked proper sanitation. One could imagine howRead MoreThe s Framework Of Structural Injustice Essay1460 Words  | 6 Pagesand failed attempts to indefinitely shut down the plant. There has been an increasing trend of discrimination towards the migrant workers with the plant and the surrounding areas. This ess ay will apply Iris Marion Young’s framework of structural injustice to the case of Solvay. Structures defined by Iris Marion Young refers to the relationship of social positions to the conditions of the opportunities and life prospects of the persons located in such positions. This specific positioning occurs becauseRead MoreChaos Of Los Angeles Riots / Civil Disturbance1482 Words  | 6 Pagesresult, many feel this injustice caused the riots. When people take the time to do a more in-depth review/research of the subject, they will find that although this verdict may have triggered the rioting, there were actually multiple issues that contributed to the rioting. Dr. Eisold comments in his article Understanding Why People Riot, â€Å"riots usually break out after a serious incident has occurred, often after the commission of an injustice, or a perceived injustice, on the part of the authoritiesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Other Wes Moore1240 Words  | 5 Pages Many of the problems seen in modern times are due to events that many Americans pass off as â€Å"typical†in relation to misfortunes and injustices. The Other Wes Moore perfectly exemplifies these exact afflictions that a multitude of people face in the United States, partially due to ethnicity or cultural background. The instances of poverty, economic injustice, drugs, and family influence in The Other Wes Moore contribute to significant findings in socioeconomic structure that relate to considerableRead MoreSocial Justice1736 Words  | 7 Pagescontestable, populations can join together to change social injustices, although some of the methods employed are viewed by the state as â€Å"civil disobedience†. The state is not only concerned with social justice, but with governing populations. By making problems that may have been sites for social justice movements less accessible, governments may make it harder for those movements’ claims to be heard. Further, when considering claims of social injustice it is important to remember that some problems thatRead MoreSocial, Cultural, And Economic Systems Responsible For Perpetuating Injustice1522 Words  | 7 PagesThis book provides readers with an in-depth knowledge on how to deliver effective counseling to individuals experiencing social inequalities and injustice through equipping counselors with the skills necessary for becoming agents of change. The author in his 13 chapters examines the social, cultural, and economic systems responsible for perpetuating injustice and inequality with illustrations underlying the importance of counselors’ acceptance of their professional, e thical, and moral responsibilityRead MoreRace Theory Of Race And Racism845 Words  | 4 PagesTheories of race and racism have been used by sociologists to not only describe modern societies but also address issues of social injustice and achieve an end to racial oppression. Critical race theory is one of the most widely used for this purpose and provides the structure employed by Dwanna Robertson in her analysis of racism against Native Americans and the consequences they have experienced as a result. She uses the term legitimized racism to discuss the racialization of American Indians.Read MoreThe Effects Of Malnutrition On Educational Disparities910 Words  | 4 Pagesdeclared a new set of 17 goals for the next 15 years called the Sustainable Development Goals. The first issue on both agendas is the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, a problem that is specifically significant for the entire continent of Africa. Clarifying a few terms based on the World Food Program’s definition is essential to understanding the scope of the problem. Hunger is â€Å"not having enough to eat to meet energy requirements.†It can lead to malnutrition, which is a condition when one’sRead MoreKatherine Skloot s The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks1274 Words  | 6 PagesHenrietta Lacks, has made it her mission to uncover the details about the woman behind HeLa cells. In doing so, she has found herself immersed in the wrongdoings that have occurred upon the Lacks children, all the acts against ethics and race, and poverty that they shouldn’t have had to suffer through. With each act, Skloot’s resolve to find justice for Henrietta and her family strengthened, resulting in her passionate work, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Polio vaccines, treatments for influenza
Monday, May 18, 2020
Service Request SR-rm-022 paper part 1 - 1472 Words
Introduction Hugh McCaughley, Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing has requested a new system for the Human Resources department of their company which would be implemented and utilized at three plant locations and the company headquarters. To build the new human resources system properly, information must be collected from various areas of Riordan Manufacturing, and the information will be collected in a variety of ways. This information must then be used to determine such items as scope of the project which can allow for feasibility studies to ensure the system should be implemented, Stakeholders and sources of information The first order of business for information collecting would be to identify the stakeholders for†¦show more content†¦The interviews will be recorded and notes will be taken so the interviewer and build a plan and determine the system requirements of the new human resource system. It is crucial that the interviews and interview questions be well structured to gain the highest quality of information gathered during the interviews. The quality of information gathered is just as important as the quantity as described by Havelka and Sooun (2002): â€Å"Interaction between users and IS personnel was described as the quantity and quality of communication and the amount of group activities performed, including feedback from and to one another during the process†. Proper communication and collaboration is critical in the beginning phases for collecting and large quantity of good quality information. Along with interviewing, it would be beneficial to hold a JAD (Joint Application development) session with the stakeholders so everyone may come together and share their opinions and knowledge of the system. While a JAD session may have high costs, the benefits of a JAD session are very high as the session enables analysts, developers and the stakeholders to come together and work towards the design of the new system. Bringing all the users in a room together helps the analysts and developers greatly understand the needs of the new system as discussedShow MoreRelatedService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 1 Essay1514 Words  | 7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 BSA/375 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. There is a plant in Albany, GA that produces plastic beverage containers, a plant in Pontiac, MI that produces custom plastic parts, and a plastic fan parts facility in Hangzhou, China. The corporate office is in San Jose, CA along with the corporations Research and Development DepartmentRead MoreBsa 375 Week 2 Service Request Sr-Rm-004, Part 11205 Words  | 5 PagesService Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Your name here University of Phoenix Online BSA 375 Insrtuctor Date Service Request SR-rm-004, Part 1 Riordan Manufacturing is an international plastics manufacturer that currently employs 550 people with projected annual earnings totaling approximately $46 million. The company is completely owned by Riordan Industries which is a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues of up to $1 billion. The company’s merchandises consists of plastic beverageRead MoreEssay about Individual Service Request SR Rm 022 Pa3284 Words  | 14 Pagesanalysis and design to fundamental business systems within the organization. Complete Section 3 of the Service Request SR-rm-022 paper for Riordan Manufacturing.. This section incorporates the transition from design to implementation. Consider revising Sections 1 and 2 based on faculty feedback. Resource: Virtual Organizations link under Academic Resources for Riordan Manufacturing  and Service Request. Note: The content of the Week Four assignment should not be changed because this assignment has beenRead MoreService Request Sr-Rm-022, Part 12570 Words  | 11 PagesRunning head: Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Service Request SR-rm-022, Part 1 Contents Abstract 3 Riordan’ Summary 4 Mission Statement 5 Raw Material 6 Manufacturing RFID/Barcode Requirements 8 Shipping Process / Dispatching Process 9 Conclusion 10 Flow Chart 11 Flow Chart Continue 13 References 15 Abstract Riordan Manufacturing Industries is a worldwide manufacturer of plastics who employs 550 employees and they are a Fortune 1000 enterprise. Presently, there areRead MoreBsa 375 Service Request Week 11562 Words  | 7 PagesService Request SR-rm-022 part 1 BSA/375 Christopher Christmon Michael James July 18, 2015 The COO of Riordan manufacturing Hugh McCauley would like to combine the existing variety of tools in use into a single multi integrated application. Riordan Manufacturing wants to take advantage of the more sophisticated state of the art information systems that has already existed in the human resources department (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006). The information gathered in this document the informationRead MoreService Request SR-rm-022 Final Essay2832 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿ Service Request SR-rm-022 Final Sharon Foreman, PhD. BSA/375 3/13/15 Trisha Carter Service Request Part 1 With having plastic manufacturer facilities in areas such as China, Michigan, and Georgia; Riordan Manufacturing has produced annual earnings over forty six million. Riordan also has a research and development department over in San Jose California. Riordan Industries are the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing and they are one of the Fortune 1000 enterprises with their worth being more
Monday, May 11, 2020
Renaissance and Reformation - 806 Words
The renaissance and the reformation were two of the most significant changes in history that has shaped our world today. Both of these great time periods are strikingly similar in some ways and totally different in others. This is because the renaissance was a change from religion to humanism whether it is in art or literature; it is where the individual began to matter. However, the reformation was,†in a nutshell,†a way to reform the church and even more so to form the way our society is today. The first half of this paper will view the drop in faith, the economic powers, and the artistic and literary changes during the renaissance, while the second half will view the progresses and changes the church makes during the reformation.†¦show more content†¦As for art, it was based off of humanism and was supposed to imitate nature. There were many art and architectural masters during the renaissance, some of which based their art on a perfect human form. One of the se masters was Raphael, who designed the school of Athens and painted with harmony and order by the age of 25. Sadly all this good change had to end and with it went the renaissance. As a result of the renaissance, people wanted answers to religious questions, and so came the reformation. The reformation was a divide in the Catholic Church and protestant groups. The main reason for this split was Christian humanism, whose followers said that the church and society needed changing and to do this you must change the individual. One of the main believers of Christian humanism was Erasmus who criticized the church and the popes for acting like politicians. Erasmus stressed the simplicity of living a simple life and sought to reform the church but not to completely leave it. During this time the people wanted to know truth. They wanted to know where the soul went after death, and to have a meaningful religious experience. The man that gave them their answers was Martin Luther. Luther claimed that salvation was gained by faith, not good works, and that the selling of indulgences was wrong. The princes of Germany took a liking to Luther’s beliefs and soon made a church of their own. Luther was eventually excommunicatedShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance And Reformation And The Reformation1507 Words  | 7 PagesThe Renaissance and Reformation – two of Europe’s largest movements – grappled many of the same issues. Both these movements addressed the question of human fate and tried to make changes to entities and institutions in society. These broad similarities allow some to believe that the Renaissance and Reformation had a relationship in which the former caused the latter. However, while both the Renaissance and Ref ormation deal with questions of human fate and are movements of change, the answers theyRead MoreThe Renaissance And The Reformation746 Words  | 3 Pagesmasquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.†The Renaissance and the Reformation was an era in time of rebirth for aspects in life. Per our reading the term Renaissance is another name for rebirth. â€Å"Renaissance is a term that means â€Å"re-birth†. The idea is that there was a re-birth of classical Greco-Roman cultural heritage into European society.†With this new found discover ofRead MoreThe Protestant Reformation And Renaissance : The Renaissance And The Renaissance1008 Words  | 5 Pagesresemblance to another. As to the concern of the relation between the Protestant Reformation and Renaissance, they both encompass apparent elements of individualism and religious reason ing. In spite of this, both these events can be separately indentified as different based on the change they incited on the whole of Western Civilization and of who was actually effected during their time. The foremost impact of the Renaissance is the inspiration of human thought and choices created by the Humanist writingsRead MoreThe Renaissance Versus the Reformation1340 Words  | 6 PagesThe Renaissance versus the Reformation I feel, sometimes, as the Renaissance man must have felt in finding new riches at every point and in the certainty that unexplored areas of knowledge and experience await at every turnÂâ€"Polykarp Kusch. Two very critical periods in the history of western civilization involved the eras of the Renaissance and the Reformation. The renaissance evolved mainly in direct result to the medieval times where the people where obedient to authority. The reformationRead MoreRenaissance And Reformation, 1350-16001879 Words  | 8 PagesSubject: Date: Renaissance and Reformation, 1350-1600 Renaissance was a time that began in 1300, during the last middle age and ended in during the late 1500s but correctly marked the period of the European history. The word in French meant ‘rebirth’ of the European civilization. The Reformation was the break from the Catholic Church and the birth of Lutheranism or Protestant that was championed by Martin Luther King. The essay will focus on the origin of Renaissance and Reformation explaining theRead MoreRenaissance and the Reformation Essay example2166 Words  | 9 PagesThe term â€Å"Renaissance†literally translates to â€Å"rebirth†as the Renaissance was a cultural and academic movement emphasizing the rediscovery and application of texts and philosophy from the Greco-Roman and classical eras. The Renaissance lasted approximately three centuries, beginning in the 1400’s and ending roughly in the 1700’s. Although no definite date can be accredited for the beginning or end of the Renais sance, it is believed to have been birthed by a gradual influx of ideas that was ultimatelyRead MoreThe Renaissance : An Era Of Rebirth And Reformation1171 Words  | 5 PagesThe Renaissance was an era of rebirth and reformation, which brought about awareness of various cultures. It was a period of intellectual improvement because there was a new enthusiasm for learning. Also, there was an increasing focus in humanism, which emphasized the importance of individualization. Numerous improvements in literature, art, music, and philosophy led to developments that still influence today’s way of living. The exploration of the new world allowed the natural beauty of the worldRead MoreThe Revolution And Reformation During The Renaissance1205 Words  | 5 PagesRevolution and reformation; these are two words that are often identified with war, disagreement, and regional effects. While these things do indeed come along with a revolution or reformation, they heed an array of posit ive and secular outcomes as well. In addition, a revolution can, and usually will, cause a reformation. Conversely, a reformation can cause a revolution. This can happen despite the two things involved with the change or disagreement being seemingly unrelated. The world is connectedRead MoreThe Importance of the Renaissance to the Reformation in Germany1263 Words  | 6 PagesThe Importance of the Renaissance to the Reformation in Germany The reformation was a movement that fundamentally challenged the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. The role of the clergy was undermined and the relationships between national countries and the Roman Catholic Church were threatened. The renaissance began in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries through patronage and the flourishing society, and Rome achieved cultural prominence. It laterRead MoreBlending of Renaissance and Reformation in Paradise Lost2288 Words  | 10 Pagesstyle which holds classical flavor. So, Milton shows Biblical theme in classical mood. We can also say that Milton’s mind is shaped and moulded by the influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation. On the one hand, he drank deep of classical poetry and philosophy and is inherited all the culture and humanism of the Renaissance and on the other, he has a deeply religious temperament, and is a profound student of the Bible and the literature of the scripture. Thus at the back of Milton’s mind there
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Plan For The Lemonade Day - 936 Words
For our lemonade day business day to be successful we all had to put in individual work to achieve our seminars overall goal of selling lemonade. Our goal was to have a visually appealing halloween themed lemonade stand. The business goal was to break even at the least and create a small sum of profit. Since we were competing against other groups at the same time and location, expectations of profit were low. The reasons for low expectations is because of the weather and time of the year. It wasn’t a hot day and the weather was very gloomy forcing us to set up the stand inside the University Centre. My role in the group was to be part of the finance and accounting team. Our teams main role in the lemonade day were distributing information of the group s products and services that they needed, researching prices of the products and service needed, and creating budgets for each group if they needed funds to complete their roles for the lemonade day to be successful. Many groups needed funds such as Marketing and Operations. Operations found the basics needs of what the group needed to make the day successful. They decided what type of lemonade we should be making and what other essentials we needed to ensure our day to run smoothly. Marketing also had other plans to make our Lemonade business stand out compared to other groups. They decided to make our group halloween themed since halloween is right around the corner. They also decided to sell other things such as saltyShow MoreRelatedLemonade Stand, Part II : On The Level Lemons1487 Words  | 6 Pages LEMONADE STAND, PART II: On the Level Lemonsâ„ ¢ Nicollette Hardwick DeVry University BUSN115 Introduction to Business and Technology Professor Hagans On the Level Lemonsâ„ ¢ LANDSCAPE We keep everything honest and straightforward at On the Level Lemons. At On the Level Lemons, we strive to provide superior quality lemonade that customers praise to family and friends, mothers prefer for their children, purchasers choose for their clients, employees are proud of, and investorsRead MoreVincor Case Study2407 Words  | 10 PagesVincor Marketing Plan October 5, 2010 Presented by: Marketing Plan Executive Summary Vincor is a well established wine and wine-related producer based out of Mississauga Ontario. Vincor wants to use their current success and venture into the refreshment market by introducing a new line of coolers. In order to do this Vincor will have to decide what type of cooler to produce as well as the design, packaging, price and marketing strategy. Market research was conducted to determine who theRead MoreEssay on Defining Marketing869 Words  | 4 PagesMarketing is one of those things that surrounds your everyday life and you dont even realize it. A challenge of a good marketing manager is to make a person or customer to not even realize that they are targets of a marketing campaign. To define marketing in my own words; giving products a place to perform or show to enhance a buyer. Marketing is a truly important function of business. It is basically the wheels of motion to get a business to profitability. For example, a merchant has a widgetRead MoreDunkin Donuts And Krisp y Kreme1133 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most benefits. That is when I decided that I was to put Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme side-by-side to see who would be the best in the modern marketing world. In order to do this, I will be discussing the four P’s to differentiate the companies and use other material that was discussed in class. When I started to write this report; my original plan was to use Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks to determine which would be better, however these companies are far from comparison and I chose a companyRead MoreCoca-Colas Principles of Budgeting955 Words  | 4 Pagesto more than 130 markets. Coca-Cola has stopped using its mass-marketing, big brand model techniques and instead goes for word-of-mouth or by campaigns that have pitted itself against Pepsi (The Pesi wars) thereby causing its reputation to become viral and word of mouth. Rather than investing huge budgeting costs into its marketing, it prefers to skimp on marketing relying instead on word-of-mouth, its reputation, and viral marketing. They also try to do things in an innovative and different wayRead MoreThe Popularity Of Celebrity Endorsements2265 Words  | 10 Pagesthat Beyonce s content marketing calendar, which is probably written on angel wing feathers and dipped in gold, has had the Super Bowl written in it for many years. She rocks the super bowl, but she also used the highest-viewed TV event of the year to announce her tour- garnering even more awareness than she would during the Grammys or the Oscars, times when a more engaged fan base would be watching. When you have the opportunity to go big, go big like Beyonce. Lemonade is being lauded for itsRead MoreDunkin Donuts And Krispy Kreme1234 Words  | 5 Pagesthe most benefits. That is when I decided that I was to put Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme side-by-side to see who would be the best in the modern marketing world. In order to do this, I will be discussing the four P’s to differentiate the companies and use other material that was discussed in class. When I started to write this report; my original plan was to use Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks to determine which would be better, however these companies are far from comparison and I chose a companyRead MoreMarketing Plan For Bakers Bunker Skate Park1576 Words  | 7 PagesFIVE – YEAR MARKETING PLAN BAKERS BUNKER SKATE PARK 2. COMPANY DISCRIPTION Bakers Bunker Skate Park will be co-founded by Brenda Reeves and Kimberlie Elder to give pre teens and teens in the local area a safe haven for after school, school breaks and weekends. The company will offer programs for children to conduct community service or work inside the skate park for free or discounted membership for those who can not afford regular membership. Bakers Bunker will offer a 100,000 square footRead MoreThe Benefits Of Coca Juice Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagesmaking a commitment to try and sticking with it is essential for personal growth within the company. Being personally invested in the lives of employees will help improve the overall performance of the company as well. There are many tips that I plan on implementing to ensure that the employees of Jamba Juice can get along with one another. One of the biggest ways to solve this issue is to encourage the employees to work out their differences on their own. As a manager, I should want my employeesRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Bionade Essay12314 Words  | 50 PagesI Marketing Strategy Plan 1 Company and Product 1.1 Company overview The â€Å"BIONADE GmbH†is a small German manufacturer and distributor of the organic lemonade brand â€Å"Bionade†. The family-owned-enterprise has 107 employees and is located in Ostheim, a small town in the northern Bavaria region of Germany. Sigrid Peter-Leipold is the industrial business manager, owner and executive manager of the â€Å"Privat Brauerei Peter KG Associate Partner†and the â€Å"BIONADE GmbH†and â€Å"BIONADE International
Branding Proposal Free Essays
Done is a small, personally owned public relations agency that specializes in event activations. C-Ad’s strong suits are in image creation, coordinating, promoting and managing public events. The activities that are provided, ensures the client’s target customers to understand and remember their brand without having a second to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Branding Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our target customers are start-up business, rising small businesses and expanding businesses. These clients are in need of outsourced public relations in order to gain more information of what the external dimension of their company is in need of. By magnifying our trained, experienced and valued employees, Commanded will definitely earn its spot in the public relations map in advance than planned. Furthermore, by the owner having good relationships in the fashion and entertainment business this will be a competitive advantage on getting the appropriate press for the event activations. Commanded will use the traditional 3 ways of promotion, which are; 1 . Offline marketing Print ads (magazine, newspaper, flyers, posters) Television/ radio commercials Coordinate events for the opening events and get involved with charity work to get some reputation and a name in the industry because normally, charity events involves a lot of pres and celebrities, furthermore, by building a good relationship with the charity companies and celebrities, it will automatically attract the public eye. 2. Online marketing 2. 1 . 2. 2. 2. 3. Twitter, Faceable and Mainstream Pop-up ads E-mail blasts (different from spam) 3. Word of mouth 3. 1 . Relying on the relationship that has been made from events, Commanded are hoping and sure that all of our future customers will be satisfied and will recommend our services to family and friends. Our agency’s target audiences are; I Start-up business, New businesses that still do not have any recognition from the community and most importantly from their target customers. Ii Rising small businesses and Small business whom are known in the coal surroundings market but wants to expand into the bigger community. Ii Expanding businesses Business whom are already known but still wants to branch out, and host opening parties which will involve press and possibly spokes person. How to cite Branding Proposal, Papers
Houdini free essay sample
MusicThe Melvins Houdini If any of you have ever heard of the Melvins, it is probably because they grew up alongside the fellows who would eventually become Nirvana in Aberdeen, Washington. It is indeed unfortunate that most people wouldnt bother giving this band a moments notice if it werent for their geographic location (they have since relocated to San Francisco) because they have created one of the best albums to come out of any corner of the nation this year. But anyone who is looking for more of what we have come to know as the infamous grunge sound had better look elsewhere. If the sound of a snail wallowing through a swamp of maple syrup were cranked through a stack of Marshall amps, the result would not be terribly different from that of the Melvins. Slower, heavier, much more bass and tons LOUDER than any band out of Seattle, one gets the impression that they would have been more comfortable pounding out this offering in a garage (or maybe a dungeon) than an actual recording studio. We will write a custom essay sample on Houdini or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As far as variety goes, this album doesnt score very well, but each song is brilliant and the Melvins manage to steer clear of the repetitious clichs that make so much of todays heavier music so unlistenable. While I definitely would not recommend this album to someone who prefers shiny, happy MTV anthems, I strongly urge those of you who gravitate toward the louder-is-better music to check out this band. Just keep a healthy supply of aspirin handy. . Review by R. L., Fitchburg, MA
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